Echeveria Glory Succulent
Echeveria Glory Succulent
The pale green and maroon rosette of Echeveria "Glory" is characterized by its distinctive keel. It forms compact clumps quickly and will eventually flower with golden blossoms in the spring and summer. This plant requires bright sunlight to maintain its vibrant colors.
Although they won't survive frost, these can be brought indoors if they're exposed to freezing temperatures. They can also be placed under a grow light or on a sunny windowsill. Like most succulents, they require regular water and good drainage to prevent rot. To keep their soil well-draining, choose containers with holes and mineral grit such as perlite, sand, or pumice.
Before you water Echeveria, ensure that the soil is dry. Also known as Mexican hens and chicks, this plant can create new growth around its mother's base. These little succulents can be left to develop into a cluster or be removed and transplanted.